Crazy Makers: Getting Along with the Difficult People in Your Life
Chances are, there's at least one person like that in your life right now-a person who is always right. Behavior ranges from indifference and unconcern to complete narcissism and destruction.
Dr. Paul Meier and Dr. Robert Wise created this important text to assist you in recognizing this behavior and dealing with it. Their most important message: It's not you! It's them! The doctors' insight will help you understand how narcissistic people think and how they affect those around them. Finally, they offer Seven Steps to help you walk out of a crisis with someone like this.
Crazy Makers: Getting Along with the Difficult People in Your Life
By: Paul Meier Robert L. Wise
ISBN: 0785278702
Back Cover:
If you've ever been caught between the wall and a human pile driver, beating you into emotional oblivion, you have learned how personal an emotional attack can be. But what if the adversary turns out to be someone you are working for, been friends with for years, or, even most difficult of all, your spouse?
Crazymakers can move by degrees from being difficult to being narcissistic. Difficult people are insensitive, tactless, careless, and inattentive, but narcissists are even more dangerous. They have absolutely no concern for others, which leads them to be treacherous or manipulative, constantly attacking another person. Both difficult people and narcissists are crazymakers: "In-charge-Marge" women and "I-hold-the-reigns" men.
The only way to win in a confrontation with a crazymaker is to learn to identify the real problems that lie behind the flying words and threatening fists, say authors Paul Meier and Robert Wise. Throughout this book they give you simple ways to do so like:
* Identify what lit the fuse.
* Adopt the Side-Step Alternative, which teaches you to side-step the two mine fields - power and control - when struggling with the self absorbed.
* Maintain your balance by asking yourself questions like, "Is he or she making any sense, or is this actually a distortion?"
* Adopt introspective reminders: "I am not crazy." "I am not going crazy." "I refuse to accept this assault as valid."
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